Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dainty Things at Flea Escape 6 on 28th May, 2pm to 6pm

Wow! May 2011 is the busy month - Labour Day, Polling Day, Mother's Day and Exam periods!

All About Dainty Things will be at Flea Escape 6, Scape Art and Street Market on 28th May 2011 from 2pm to 6pm. Scape Art and Street Market is beside Long John Silver's at new SCAPE building. The address is 2 Orchard Link, Singapore 237978.

Please come and check out the products on 28th May 2011! Don't forget to mark your celendar!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cherry Blossom Season is here!

Cherry Blossom Season is here.
But too bad, there is not even one cherry blossom tree in Singapore. Too sad! Never mind, you can view another versions of cherry blossoms in form of fabric flowers even through they are nowhere similar to the real version of cherry blossoms.

Here you go!! This colourful fabric gives these flowers the japanese feeling. They can be set on either ponytail holder or brooch with hair clasp upon the request.

E009 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E010 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E011 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E012 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E013 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E014 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E015 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E016 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)

E017 (3 inches cherry blossom in red flower)
If you want one of them, please kindly let me know the code number. In addition, they cannot be duplicated. In other words, they are only one and original fabric flowers with certain patterns of colors.

Spring Flowers More!!!!

New additions for little gals who want the spring look!

1.5 inches yellow flowers with white crystals (mini ponytail holders)

1.5 inches shiny pink flowers with pink crystals (mini ponytail holders)

1.5 inches pink flowers with red pearls (mini ponytail holders)

1.5 inches shiny purple flowers with pink crystals (mini ponytail holders)

Now need to add something cheerful colours to spice up the life. There you go!

1.5 inches green-pink-yellow flowers with pink ladybirds (a pair of hair clasps)

1.5 inches orange-yellow-white flowers with yellow ladybirds (a pair of hair clasps)

1.5 inches orange-yellow-green flowers with green crystals (a pair of hair clasps)

Enough of small flowers..... Let's see the bigger flowers, okie?

3 inches orange-yellow-pink flower with green crystal (brooch with hair clasp)

3 inches cheery blossom and butterfly in white flower with black pearl (brooch with hair clasp)

(Version 1) 3 inches cheery blossom and butterfly in black flower with white pearl (brooch with hair clasp)

(Version 2) 3 inches cheery blossom and butterfly in black flower with white pearl (brooch with hair clasp)

Now you must be wondering what the brooch with hair clasp looks like. See this photo below. You can see one safety pin and one hair clasp on the back of the fabric flower. This safety pin can be used as a brooch itself for your shirt, fabric headband, hat or bag. This hair clasp can be used for headband or decorate your hair. Useful, rite?

Brooch with hair clasp perfect for headband, brooch or hairclip etc.
Do email me at if you want to place order.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More dainty flowers for Spring season!

More flowers add to my growing collection. This time is ponytail holder collection. They look very beautiful on your long hair. :-D

Pinky Cherry Blossom Ponytail holder (3 inches in diameter)

Sunny in Pink and Orange Flower Ponytail holder (3 inches in diameter)

Evergreen in Green and Orange Flower Ponytail holder (3 inches in diameter)

Pretty in Pink and Purple Flower Ponytail holder (3 inches in diameter)

Elegant in Pink and Gold Flower Ponytail holder (3 inches in diameter)
 Wait wait. This is not finished yet. Got some more.

Headband is now in fashion. I decide to add this headband collection. I use good quality metal headbands that are imported from Korea. All headbands are covered with satin ribbon. Just nice for my fabric flowers.

3 inches Pink and Black Fabric Flower with little Pinky Cherry Blossom Metal Headband

3 inches Pink and Black Fabric Flower with little Gold Cherry Blossom Metal Headband

3 inches Pink and White Fabric Flower with little Pinky Cherry Blossom Metal Headband

Beside the fabric flowers, i tried on creating the Fabric Bow after observing that Ribbon or Bow that made of cloth or ribbon are very cute and good on both gal and lady.

Hope that you like my Fabric Bow too. Come on. This is not bad lah.

5 inches Bow in lovely Butterflies and Cherry Blossom Fabric with Metal Headband

If you like these flowers and bow above, don't forget to email me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Some dainty earrings for dainty ladies

Additions to my collections:- some earrings which i was creating with in mind of springtime.

1 inch Blue flowers with sky blue beads, 925 Sliver earrings

1 inch Pink and Purple flowers with light purple pearl 925 Sliver earrings

1 inch Pink flowers with 925 Sliver chain, 925 Sliver earrings

1 inch Pink flowers with japanese black beads, 925 Sliver earrings

1 inch Yellow flowers with green butterfly crystal, 925 Sliver earrings

1 inch Purple flowers with japanese while beads, 925 Sliver earrings
 Please let me know whether they are dainty. ;-P Any suggestion is welcomed.

Spring flowers to welcome the Year of Rabbit!


Sorry! It's quite long time since i last posted the blog.

Here are the lastest additions to welcome the Year of Rabbit. In addition, it will be springtime very soon! Wishing that i can fly to Japan to see the cherry blossoms. Never mind. Here are flowers to make up for not able to see the cherry blossoms.

Here you go.

1.5 inches Blue Flowers with pink pearls Hairclasps

1.5 inches Pink and Purple Flowers with dark pink pearls Hairclasps

1.5 inches Pink and Purple Flowers with pink ladybird Hairclasp

1.5 inches Pink and Yellow Flowers with pink ladybirds Hairclasps

1.5 inches Purple Flowers with purple bunnys Hairclasps

1.5 inches Yellow Flowers with dark pink ladybirds Hairclasps

1.5 inches Yellow Flowers with dark pink pearls Hairclasps

1.5 inches Yellow Flowers with yellow bunny Hairclasps
 If interested in order these hairclasps above, please kindly email me for more details at

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


Wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with Mr Snowman from Turkey! Hee!
No i am still in Singapore, lah.

This photo was taken during my holiday in Turkey earlier this month.

Notice: I won't be update this blog for next two weeks. I will see you in blog next year with more creations!

So keep on looking out for next post!